Neuropathy affects millions of individuals, yet many are unaware that chiropractic care can effectively alleviate this distressing condition. Delta Chiropractic and Wellness in League City employs a distinctive method to assist those suffering from neuropathy.
Dr. Faith Wilson is a board-certified specialists in treating neuropathy and is trained in Trigger Point Therapy and certified in Activator. The optimal treatment approach varies based on the specific medical issues causing nerve damage.
Fortunately, there are proactive measures patients can adopt to manage nerve pain and related problems. Selecting a chiropractor for neuropathy is one of the most effective strategies to alleviate pain and enhance your quality of life.
Neuropathy is a condition that impacts the peripheral nervous system, leading to damage in the nerves and a gradual loss of their ability to transmit information from the body to the brain. This condition is painful and often results in a loss of sensation and control in the affected regions.
Neuropathy affects approximately 2.4% of the population, and as it advances, patients commonly report symptoms such as pain, numbness, electric shock-like sensations, and muscle weakness. Various factors contribute to neuropathy, including diabetes, alcoholism, injuries, and certain medications.
Treatment results vary significantly depending on the root cause of the nerve damage; however, chiropractic care can help alleviate pain and other symptoms.
Chiropractic care distinguishes itself from other medical services by promoting the body’s innate ability to heal itself. By utilizing techniques like Trigger Point Therapy and other spinal adjustments, chiropractors can correct spinal alignment, enhancing blood flow to the 31 pairs of spinal nerves. Reducing pressure within the spinal cord can also facilitate better nerve signal transmission.
Additionally, chiropractors can relieve tight muscles that may compress nerves and hinder signal transmission. By alleviating strain on neck and shoulder muscles, chiropractors can provide relief from neuropathy symptoms, thereby supporting peripheral nervous system function.
Chiropractors develop tailored treatment plans for each patient, ensuring that individual symptoms and causes are adequately addressed.
Tight muscles and misaligned spines can hinder nerve signaling. Chiropractic care enhances nerve function, improving sensations and motor control.
Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive option for treatment. Scheduling sessions around other medical appointments is straightforward, and patients need not worry about side effects.
Chiropractors adopt a holistic view of wellness, crafting treatment plans that address a broad spectrum of symptoms and underlying issues.
Research indicates that inflammation plays a significant role in various forms of neuropathy. Managing inflammation can alleviate symptoms and protect nerves from further damage.
Chiropractors create individualized care plans based on each patient’s symptoms and needs while working within their budget and schedule.
The primary symptom of neuropathy is neuropathic pain in the affected areas. Patients often describe this pain as stabbing or shooting; others may feel tingling or burning sensations. Numbness and a “pins and needles” feeling are also common indicators of nerve damage.
Peripheral nerve damage may lead to increased sensitivity to touch and temperature changes, often resulting in spontaneous pain. Additional problems may include muscle wasting, sexual dysfunction, or unusual temperature sensations.
As neuropathy progresses, muscle weakness may become apparent, particularly in the hands and feet, leading to balance issues or coordination difficulties. If autonomic nerves are affected, symptoms may impact organ function, potentially causing drops in blood pressure, digestive problems, or urinary issues.
Neuropathy originates from various underlying conditions that result in nerve damage. Effective management of these root causes is vital to controlling pain and other symptoms. Common causes include:
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